A Guide to Eco-Friendly Mountain Biking

starling cycles mountain bike

Mountain biking is not just about adrenaline-pumping adventures and conquering rugged trails; it’s also an opportunity to embrace sustainability and contribute positively to the environment. Here at BETD, our team of cycling enthusiasts understand the importance of preserving nature, and we’re here to help you make eco-conscious choices for your MTB . Here, we’ve explored how you can practice sustainable mountain biking, minimise your environmental footprint, and gear up responsibly.

Leave No Trace Principles

One of the fundamental components of eco-friendly mountain biking is to ‘Leave No Trace’. This means respecting and preserving the natural surroundings while riding, by sticking to designated trails, avoiding disturbing wildlife, and carrying out all of your rubbish. By following Leave No Trace principles, you can ensure that the natural beauty of MTB trails remain untouched for future generations.

Eco-Friendly Gear

Consider investing in eco-friendly biking gear, including biodegradable chain lubricants and bike cleaning products. Sustainable riding clothing apparel made from recycled materials or organic fabrics not only reduces waste but also promotes responsible sourcing.

Sustainable Transportation

You can also reduce your carbon footprint by choosing eco-friendly transportation options to get to your biking destinations. Using public transport or cycling to the trailhead can significantly decrease emissions and promotes a greener way of enjoying your sport.

Support Sustainable Trails

Joining local MTB clubs or volunteer organisations dedicated to preserving mountain biking trails can get you more involved in trail maintenance and conservation efforts. By actively participating in trail maintenance, you’ll have a direct impact on keeping the environment at its best.

Regular Bike Maintenance

Regular bike maintenance is crucial for sustainability; a well-maintained bike consumes less energy, reduces the need for replacements, and minimises waste. BETD offers a range of high-quality replacement MTB components, ensuring your bike remains in top shape for years to come. By replacing worn-out parts such as fork seals, bearings and suspension components, instead of the whole bike, you’re making an eco-conscious choice.

For more information about our range of replacement MTB components to help you maintain your bike sustainably, get in touch with our team via our website, or email info@betd.co.uk.